The Vros are three siblings making dance music.
Juan Vives
Juan is the second brother of the Vives family. He started playing Guitar at the age of 14 and has added percussion, flutes, bass, and voices throughout his musical career. He has participated in many bands in the last 25 years of his musical career, winning school festivals and other musical events. While moving from Chile to San Francisco in 2015, Juan joined the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) to achieve the Sound, Voice, and Music Healing certificate. He loves bringing in the sacred side of music, with Shamanic singing along with live looping multiple instruments. His music style is Reggae, Funky, and mantra chanting.
Fran Vives
Fran Vives is a Music Producer, Composer, and Pianist graduate of the Modern School of Music located in Santiago, Chile, and the big brother of the fam.
He is an accomplished synth player, interested in the sounds, rhythms, and incidental music. His love for music began at the age of 12 with an upright piano that was lent to the family. Fran has a rock progressive past as a drummer too. His music style is 80s, electro, funk, synthwave, latino, and alternative music.
Fernando Vives
Feña is the youngest of the family. His first musical experience was at the age of 4 when he received his first drum kit. At the age of 12, he discovered the art of DJing and began music production when turning 18. Throughout his career, Fernando has played in the biggest Electronic festivals in South America, being a remarkable DJ. His music style is electronic music.